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QR IN-GAME DATA PLAYER FEE - 1 Day (Max 2 games)



This is the cost per player to capture YakkerTech In-Game data, and then provide a PDF from BaseballCloud via email, post event. 


These amazing companies are all at one location:

QR Recruiter-YakkerTech-BaseballCloud-PitchCom-GameChanger


MAP/DIRECTIONS TO:  Greenland High School Field 


QR would like to give a special Thank You to 33 year Hall of Fame coach, Norm Debriyn, of the Arkansas Razorbacks. He helped build many of the Processes/Precedures behind QR's innovations.

QR IN-GAME DATA PLAYER FEE - 1 Day (Max 2 games)

  • Wayne Woolsey, CEO/Founder of QR Recruiter


  • 1.Each team must have insurance for each player participating.

    2. Each team will provide baseballs for games.

    3. No alcohol, tobacco, or vaping anywhere on Greenland HS  property.

    4. No foul language, bad sportmanship, or in any way disturb others.

    5. PLEASE put trash in the available waste bins.


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